Indian Ridge Administration and Regulations
Here you'll find information about the administration of the Indian Ridge community, including important phone numbers, email addresses, and office hours. You'll also find information regarding access to the tennis courts, workout room, and clubhouse. It's also where you will find the community's rules and regulations.
Administration Information
The responsibility for overseeing the decisions of the Board of Directors and overseeing operations at the community rests in the hands of Jim Toscano of Property Management of Andover.
The Board of Directors meets at 6:00 pm on the first Monday of the month, excluding holidays. Typically, July and December are non-meeting months. Check the message board in the clubhouse for any changes and additions. Meetings are open to all homeowners only.
Office Hours and Contact Information
The property manager's office at the clubhouse is usually staffed on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays as follows:
Monday 3:30 pm - 5 pm *2nd and 4th Monday of Each Month
Wednesday 8 am - 10:30 am
Friday 8 am - 10:30 am
The manager is often on site after the “official” office closing time. Stop by if you need something after hours. We also provide an after hours answering service at 978-851-5597. Non-emergency calls are returned on the next open office day.
You can contact or leave a message for the property manager as follows:
Property Management of Andover LLC
PO Box 488
Andover, MA 01810-0009
Phone: 978-683-4101
Fax: 978-686-4664
You can also contact the following individuals by email:
Jim Toscano (operations): jimt@pmandover.com
Amber Lee (operations): Amberl@pmandover.com
Coleen Scharn (condominium fee accounts receivable manager): coleens@pmandover.com
If you have questions for the Board of Trustees, refer them to Jim Toscano, who will contact the board members immediately with any emergency situations brought to his attention. You can also send postal mail to:
301 Apache Way
Tewksbury, MA 01876
You can also bring questions directly to the board members during regular board meetings.
2025 Condominium Fee Schedule
The condominium fees, the fees are changing in 2025 as follows:
Indian Ridge Rules and Regulations
The community's rules and regulations exist to benefit all owners by preserving a clean, attractive environment, assuring the peaceful enjoyment of the Condominium community, and protecting and enhancing the value of all property in the community. Click the following link to access the current version:
Alternative Ways to Pay Condo Fees
Dropping your condo fee at the clubhouse is so 20th Century. Click the following link for information on alternative payment methods.:
Condominium Insurance Coverage
It is critical that all homeowners purchase an HO6 insurance policy for their condominium. Click the link below for information:
Condo Refinance or Sale (6D Certificate)
If you are in the process of refinancing or selling your home, you need to obtain a 6D certificate, which provides information to a bank, mortgage company, or attorney that all balances are paid and that the Association is not due any fees. Click the link below for more information and a link to the 6D certificate.
Please click on the links below for the following documents: