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News and Announcements Archive


This page provides a repository for articles that previously appeared elsewhere on this site but were moved here because the information was superceded or changed.

Sewer-Debt Transfer Vote Benefits IR

(archived Oct. 5, 2011)


Tewksbury residents approved a measure allowing the town to shift half its sewer debt to the real estate tax. Approval of the debt shift, which benefits Indian Ridge homeowners, was granted with a 372 to 219 vote at a special Town Meeting on May 4.


In urging homeowners to attend and vote at the meeting, the Indian Ridge Board of Trustees pointed out that passage of the question would substantially reduce the community's water and sewer expense, thereby freeing those funds to be used for maintenance and upgrades.


The Town Meeting vote on the measure ratified an April 2 ballot question that was approved by fewer than 40 votes.


Late Winter Snow Update

(archived April 30, 2011)


During the month of January, our area has had the third highest snow fall on record. We have experienced a tremendous amount of water and ice damage to our community. Every effort was made to remove the ice and snow from our roofs. Our maintenance personnel, along with snow removal contractors, did an exceptional job in clearing the snow and ice from the roofs to stop further damage from leaks and ice dams.


We have placed an insurance claim with the master insurance policy. We also ask affected homeowners to contact their homeowner's insurance carrier as well. Once we have established the number of homes affected, we will accompany the insurance adjuster, who will enter your home and evaluate the damage. All homes will be inspected on the same day. Everyone will be notified as to what day and time so they may be home or have someone at their home for the adjuster's inspection.


If you experienced any damage, we are asking homeowners to contact the
management office to have your home put on our list of homes that have
been affected. We do not want to miss any home that may have been
damaged from ice dams.


Snow Update and Recommendations

(archived March 3, 2011)


It won't come as a surprise that almost 72 inches (6') of snow has fallen since the day after Christmas. This amount of snow (a typical season's worth) has obviously had a major impact on the snow-removal teams and the community.


Valley Green is the contractor responsible for keeping our roads open and passable, and our sidewalks and driveways clear. Property Management of Andover and the Board are in communication with Valley Green to address the concerns of our neighborhood. (The board members live in our community so are aware of the issues.) We've asked Valley Green to come back after this last set of storms to widen the roads and sidewalks.


Check your vents:. Dryer vents and many of the new furnace installations vent the gas out through vents on the side of your house. They may be made of PVC and usually about 3 inches in diameter. The dryer vent usually has an angled cover with a vent flap.


Make sure that you clear the snow away from them. Normally they are 3 to 4 feet above the ground but with the amount of snow and drifting/blowing snow may obstruct these vents. You may have to be creative to get through the snow to get to it.


Click here to see the community's snow removal procedures.


Community Responds to Call for Help

(archived Feb. 28, 2011)


Indian Ridge residents responded generously to the community's first annual "Halt Hunger at the Holidays" food drive.


Held in conjunction with three other communities managed by Property Management of Andover, Inc., this drive was " far greater than anything we expected for our first food driver," said IR manager.Jams Toscano. In a letter from the Greater Boston Food Band, the organization said:


" (We) would like to thank you and recognize your hard work and dedication in helping fight hunger in eastern Massachusetts. The food drive you held collected 1,018 pounds of food, which is the equivalent to 783 meals for those in need."


To put that amount of food in perspective, enough meals were donated to reach every home in the four food-donating communities -- plus an additional 100 homes.

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